Bekijk artikels die jou kunnen helpen 'email server'

Copying a Database Table with phpMyAdmin

To copy a database table in phpMyAdmin, login to phpMyAdmin and then follow this steps. 1. In...

Difference between Web Hosting and Web Publishing?

Comparison between Web Hosting and Web Publishing:   Web Hosting Web Publishing...

Disable TRACE or TRACK method in Apache web server

If you like to keep your VPS hosting server or dedicated server secure you may need to disable...

How to add additional domain to my hosting account?

In order to add an additional domain name to your hosting account: 1. Register a domain name or...

How to Add Secondary IPs to cPanel via SSH?

When adding IPs through an SSH console:  1.    Edit the file “/etc/ips”  2.    Add your new...

How to add your own php.ini file to the crontab command?

If you want to use your own php.ini in the implementation of cronjobs, add the following to the...

How to Disable Root User Login via SSH?

How to install SSH ( secure shell ) service on Kali Linux Requirements Privileged access...

How to Increase the security of your server- sshd hardening?

ssh stands for Secure Shell and is primarily used for acquiring interactive shell access on...

How to Keep Your cPanel Contact Information Up To Date?

This tutorial will teach you how to keep your contact information up to date in cPanel. It is...

How to update your servers cPanel license (SSH)?

Now and again you might need to manually update your cPanel license. To do this login to the...

How to View Website Statistics in cPanel using AWStats?

This tutorial will teach you how to check on who is viewing your website using the program in...

Linux BASH command line

a alias Create an alias apropos Search Help manual pages (man -k) apt-get Search...

Reviewing Emails Sent to You in The Client Area?

This will teach how to review emails sent to you in the client area. It is important that you...

Useful SSH Putty Commands

Useful SSH Putty Commands 1) To find out your present working directory: pwd 2) To...

What is 500 Internal Server Error?

The 500 Internal Server Error is a very general HTTP status code that means something has gone...

What Is Hosting?

Web Hosting or 'Hosting' is when a company offers a physical location for the storage of web...

What is the difference between a shared server and a dedicated server?

Shared Server Shared hosting involves small-scale users uploading their websites onto a single...

What is Web Server and various types of Web Servers?

Web servers are core for any web hosting. Yes, without a web server, you can’t even dream of...